Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What kind of monster have I created?

Yesterday it was a little chilly so I had the Princess in a Gymboree outfit from a line last fall. (See pics below)

So all is well, she likes the outfit I've picked out, is perfectly happy until she notices.... The panties.
She recoils like I'm handing her a rattlesnake. "I can't wear cherry panties." She wails. "what, why not, sweetie?" I innocently reply. "Because the cherry panties don't match my outfit." she exclaims, like any moron knows this.

Now I have the mousy panties that match this line, I know this but they are not clean. They are the next load to be washed.

So we march back to her room to try and find some kind of panties that are clean, my (according to her) unfair requirement. She finally settles on some with pastel dots, but I know that SHE knows they aren't the "right ones."

My biggest problem with this whole scene (beyond the fact that she's obviously OCD) is that she is ONLY 3 years old. Why does a 3 year old care if her panties match her outfit?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Galaxy is changing

I really don't know how it happened.  I'm not sure if there was a slow march or a sprint but I woke up one day and my house had changed.  There was a time when every where I looked I had matchbox cars, plastic dinosaurs and Bionicles.  One day I woke up came into my living room and surveyed the mess.  It was comprised of Princesses, Barbies and paper dolls.

I spent so long in a blue world when the pink came along I embraced it.  I needed a change of color.  My friends would say I did more than embrace it, they might say I painted my world pink and left no room for the blue anymore.  I don't agree.  We have three sons and two of them are too old for such nonsense anymore, their playthings have given way to iPods and Nintendo DS.  However the younger of the two still keeps and builds Bionicles but only in his room.  It's as if it's a secret.  And  he would definitely die of shame if anyone in the seventh grade found out.

The third son still plays with childhood toys.  And as a result Star Wars invaded our Living Room at Christmas and inhabited that strange planet for months before picking up and moving on to Planet Boo.  Boo, the benevolent dictator of his namesake planet gives semi equal time to Indiana Jones, Spiderman and Jurassic Park but it's clear the Star Wars race is the favored one for now.  His former favored races, including Thomas the Tank Engine and the Wiggles, try to warn Obi Wan that this may be short lived popularity, but he is so arrogant that he will hear nothing of it.

The now out of favor Thomas and Wiggles memorabilia have moved to another location which is downstairs and about 50 feet to the left.  This is Planet Sarah.  This Planet has the lightest pink atmosphere and beautiful demi-gods painted on the walls.  Greg Wiggle is really enjoying getting to know Barbie a little better and Thomas finally is paired up with the Annie train and they are busily producing baby trains all over the train drawer.

As a mother and Queen of Black Galaxy which is all these planets that orbit the star Kitchenopolis, I try to corral the loose populations and send them to their corresponding planets.  It's a full time job almost.  I spend a lot of my time paging the benevolent dictators to retrieve their  stray populations.

Lately I have noticed the strays have changed.  Cinderella and Aurora have replaced Thomas and Greg.  Pink and purple have replaced blue and yellow.  It's a sad commentary because I know one day in the not too distant future Cinderella and Aurora will, too be replaced.  There will come a day when the strays will no longer appear magically in my Living Room and perhaps about the same time two of the Benevolent dictators will no longer be living in this Galaxy full time.

One of the Dictators has already taken to spending more time in his home planet of Dino Dan's World and has to be summoned even to appear in Kitchenopolis for the common meal every night.  We still have our twice weekly meeting of all the dictators to view the latest funnies from the small screen, and we laugh and enjoy those weekly meetings because we do realize they do not happen frequently enough and we try to make more of them.  But in just over three years that Dictator will be off and beginning a new Chapter somewhere which will end with him creating his own galaxy and perhaps his own Dictators and their planets.  The cycle will continue that much we know.